神秘博士 第四季[电影解说]
282在第十任博士的故事里,他始终强烈的孤独。仿佛诅咒,他的同伴——所有的人总有一天离开他;自己并一个人地走向死亡。在他的生命最终结束的时候,坐着塔迪斯和过去的同伴一一告别。第十任是一个轻松健谈,随和机智的人,对敌人总会给予第二次机会却又绝不过分仁慈。曾经和女伴罗斯有过一场恋爱,最后以两人分隔在不同的 -
867一群紧密而固执的消防队员被领导层的突然变动所震惊。在一次干预行动中出现致命错误后,他们受到审查,并不得不为他们心爱的消防站“Post Oosteroever”的生存而斗争。 -
租房惊魂 2022
725A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 Rive -
38After the untimely death of his wife, 'Altan', who created a small, challenging but fun world for himself with his son 'Can', is a father who can make -
216After the untimely death of his wife, 'Altan', who created a small, challenging but fun world for himself with his son 'Can', is a father who can make -
196After the untimely death of his wife, 'Altan', who created a small, challenging but fun world for himself with his son 'Can', is a father who can make -
96安娜·古托(《摄影爱好者》《汤姆和吸血鬼》)自编自导,讲述莎莉(比诺什)是一名卡车司机,为了从一个致命的监狱团伙手中救出弟弟丹尼斯(格里罗),她被迫走私非法货物。随着FBI特工格里克(弗里曼)的追踪,莎莉的动机和良心受到了挑战,她最终发现包裹里是一名少女(芬利)。 -
899Youtopia is the story of a young woman who decides to sell her virginity to pay debts of her mother and of the man who decides to buy it . It's