286史蒂芬和爸爸比爾及外公雷蒙搬進了一棟祖先遺留下來的空房子,偌大的屋子裡卻瀰漫著陰森的氣氛,這也激起了史蒂芬的好奇心和關注,他開始拿著攝影機錄下生活瑣事。日子久了,詭異的事情陸續發生,史蒂芬多次目睹怪異的現象以及聽到有人在呼喊他的名字,這間房子究竟有著什麼樣的神祕過往? -
BBC 地平线系列:怀胎九月
308Horizon explores the secrets of what makes a long, healthy and happy life. It turns out that a time you can't remember - the nine months you spend -
835《人物》以独特视角,新颖理念,关注现当代文明进程中那些显现出智慧光芒、卓越创造力和非凡品格的人们;关注富于奇思异想,敢于超越常规,勇于挑战极限的人们。 -
936军方和汽车人的秘密合作计划面临被取消的危险,而重新复活的威震天和红蜘蛛引领霸天虎军队,密谋夺取能量源,企图在地球掀起又一场腥风血雨。 此时主人公萨姆(希安·拉博夫 Shia LaBeouf 饰)告别相恋的女友米凯拉(梅根·福克斯 Megan Fox 饰),要开始自己梦寐以求的大学生活了,但一切似乎 -
Since the creation of currency, money has made the world go round and people have done anything and ...
Since the creation of currency, money has made the world go round and people have done anything and ...